Big Brother called and you – UK users of YouTube – answered in your droves. In the month since the word went out that Big Brother 10 hopefuls could submit auditions online via the show’s channel, around 500 would-be housemates have committed themselves to video and uploaded to Big Brother Auditions.

Today we have highlighted several of these 60-second slices of hope on the front page with a view to a) celebrating everyone’s efforts to date, and b) encouraging anyone who fancies their chances to upload before the deadline of Tuesday, February 3, 2009. It isn’t hard… you don’t even have to shoot your video upright to qualify. Davina McCall is waiting to peruse the results – what more encouragement could you need?

After the deadline falls, the Big Brother team will sort through the files and invite a select band of users to an exclusive audition day. In effect, YouTube would have put you directly in front of the show’s producers, at which point your real-life charm, charisma and RealityTV-worthiness will have to kick in if you’re to taste fame, Big Brother-style.

So, what are you waiting for? Upload – we’re loving your work.

Have fun,

The YouTube Team