Love it or hate it, Big Brother is on its way back – and this time around YouTube users will be first in line for a chance to enter the house for the 10th instalment of the show.

The Big Brother Team is inviting YouTube users to pitch for a place in front of their cameras via 60-second videos uploaded to the Big Brother Auditions channel. Just in case you haven’t yet grasped what works in the house after nearly a decade on TV, here are a few tips from former housemates (which you may or may not elect to heed):

Top entrants will be invited to a VIP audition day, bypassing the usual unruly scrum for a slot on the show. There is just one further thing that would-be winners of the £100,000 top prize should bear in mind: Big Brother audition videos are subject to the same terms and conditions as all other YouTube content. So if you’re thinking of “doing a Kinga”, we respectfully urge you to think again…

Have fun,

The YouTube Team