Unless you bag a parliamentary seat in a by-election or scrap your way to the upper echelons of the news media, opportunities to directly ask pertinent questions of a Prime Minister are few and far between. This is a state of affairs that makes the latest developments on the 10 Downing Street channel all the more striking… and more than a little exciting.

From today, we are happy to announce that the channel will run a regular series of “Ask The PM” Q&A sessions with Gordon Brown. YouTube UK users will have the opportunity to submit questions, the wider community can vote for their favourites, and these will then be put to the premier.

You are free to submit your videos from today, the voting phase of “Ask The PM” kicks in on Monday (May 26) and we will find out how the Prime Minister fields your testers towards the end of June. Three things to remember: include your name, age and location either in the video itself or in the video description; try to keep your questions to 30 seconds; and only UK-based users are eligible to take part.

We look forward to learning more about the issues that matter to you and seeing how you choose to present them. All that’s left for us to say is: Order! Order in the House! Let the Right Honourable Gentleman record, edit and upload his response…

Have fun,

The YouTube Team