It's time for another round of site updates. We added some new features to improve searching for videos, inbox and managing your contacts on YouTube. Find out more below...


A query suggestions option is now available for search. To opt in, click the "advanced" link next to the search button, then choose "Display query suggestions as I type" from the search settings. As you type in your search terms a menu will appear with suggested results to choose from to help you find the videos you're looking for more quickly. On the search results page you'll also get an additional list of recommended searches by clicking on any of the terms listed next to the new "Also Try" menu.


To import your Google contacts into YouTube, click "Import" on the "My Contacts" page, then log in to your Google account. Once we've finished importing, click "Share" to easily send a video you're watching to any of your contacts. You can even "friend" your YouTube contacts and we'll help you stay up to date on the videos they're favouriting, rating, and uploading.


Based on your feedback, we've made some improvements to the notifications for video comments in your YouTube Inbox. Comments made to your videos are separated from comments left in response to your comment on someone else's video. The actual text of the comment is also now displayed and you can approve or reject a comment in-line.

Thanks to Pzottolo for another video version of our latest site update:

Don't forget to share your feedback with us via video, email or throw some comments on this here blog.


The YouTube Team