Celebrating what you created, watched and shared in 2015 with #YouTubeRewind and YouTube’s new Trending tab
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
In 2015, you introduced the world to the latest dance crazes, opened up discussions about diversity and inclusion, and lip-synced in cars and onstage in front of millions. The trends you participated in and the creativity you shared defined the year on YouTube in a bigger way than ever before.
Rewind is our way to help you celebrate some of your favourite moments on YouTube through our official top trending videos of 2015, based on the amount of time people spent watching, sharing, commenting, liking, and more. Topped by one of the year's biggest dance trends, these videos were watched for over 25 million hours and were created by powerhouse channels with over 40 million subscribers between them.
For the first time, not just one, but four television moments made the top Trending Videos list. Three are late night TV videos of widely popular YouTube trends: the lip sync battle, the in-car singalongs, and the reading of mean tweets. You all love late night TV on YouTube—the time people spent catching up on late-night clips like Corden, Fallon and Kimmel nearly doubled in the last year alone!
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When it comes to music, 2015 saw some of our fastest-rising videos of all time. Wiz Khalifa's "See You Again" reached over 1 billion views in just 6 months and Adele reached the year's top 10 in just a few weeks. The top 10 music videos collectively have more than 66 million subscribers, and people spent over 37,000 years playing them in 2015.
In the UK, we also went mad for lip syncs, in-car singalongs and poignant play-days, while we topped and tailed our lists with breathtaking moments from Britain’s Got Talent. Our obsession with Frozen’s “Let it Go” continued for (yet) another year through a brilliant real-life tribute, while FIFA’s “Play Beautiful” commercial and The Force Awakens trailer had us glued to our screens and excited as hell. And of course if wouldn’t be YouTube without some full-on fun courtesy of a marvellous PIXAR-inspired makeup transformation and two mad UK scientists and a giant water balloon.... hit click and enjoy!
Big hits mark out our UK music lists, but with a strong showing from UK artists, including Ellie Goulding, (the legendary) Paul McCartney, Little Mix and of course - Adele ...
And if you love staying on top of the most-anticipated new trailers, hottest music videos, and viral clips from YouTube creators, today we unveil the new YouTube Trending tab. This new tab in your YouTube app delivers the top trending videos directly to your Android, iOS, and desktop device. It's the best way to catch the videos, creators, and trends that people watch, share, and talk about each and every day. See 'em as they take off and before they appear in YouTube Rewind 2016. aAnd for more Rewind fun, check out the YouTube Rewind channel!
Kevin Allocca, Head of Culture & Trends, and the YouTube Rewind team recently watched
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Make a list of businesses: Try to make as much contact as possible on social networking websites when you were in your own country (Linkedin etc.) Instead of asking for a job, simply inquire about your scope.
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Make a list of companies that might use your skills and reach out to them. Never ask your professional acquaintances the same questions over and over again; instead, be humble.
If they don't react, it's possible that they don't understand what you're asking, or that they're preoccupied with work.
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Experiment: If you want to acquire the best opportunity, get outside of your comfort zone. Rather than sitting at home applying for jobs online, interact with people in your field on LinkedIn and go out to meet them informally, not just for a job, but to learn from them. Later on, keep in touch with them.
Attend conferences, exhibitions, and anything else that can expand your professional network, boost your confidence, and assist you in obtaining a suitable job in this nation.
Look for any internship opportunities or refresher courses: If you're having trouble finding a job, look into internship programmes. Many companies provide internships, some of which are paid. While the pay is low, it is an excellent start; at the very least, you will gain experience in your industry and create a network. Believe me when I say that your professional network will assist you in advancing your career here.
Getting a dream job in the UAE is difficult, but not impossible. If you don't get a good answer, keep yourself informed, build a professional network, step out of your comfort zone, and join any less paid or internship programme in your sector. This will almost certainly pay off.
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