He has saved the World several times over. His name begins with a 'Sir'. But music is where Bob Geldof began and that is why we are extremely happy to hand control of this week's UK Music Tuesday over to him. After all, he has played school halls on the same bill as Talking Heads, so what could possibly go wrong?

"I'm doing this Music Tuesday 'cos, frankly, I've got a new album to sell," he says. "It's obviously another pretty classic work of genius called 'How To Compose Popular Songs That Will Sell.'"

Niceties over, Geldof isn't a man to mess around: "I love these songs. They stay with me. I play them… let's start with The Rolling Stones." As with many of his selections, the tempo doesn't let up:

The Stones, The Who, and then to The Ramones -- as Geldof puts it: "Fantastic songs that all sold."

But some of his other selections sound a different note, with contributions from Leonard Cohen and Van Morrison providing more reflective -- if no less intense -- moments.

"My personal great genius is Van Morrison," he explains. "Mainly because I'm Irish and he's Irish, and for all us Irish guys he was a lodestar of what was possible, mixing the Blues with a sort of Celtic mysticism and a beautiful Yeatsian language… sort of jumbling that all together and producing timeless, gorgeous stuff."

For us at UK Music Tuesday the key words that emerge from Geldof's curation are 'simple', 'clever', 'songwriting' and 'intelligence', the gist seeming to be that good ideas, properly articulated, set to compelling music will, indeed, sell. As it happens, these are also qualities that could easily apply to the whole concept of Live Aid -- bar the clash of 'songwriting' and "Do They Know It's Christmas?", of course -- and it may well be that this ability to cut to the chase lies at the root of his massive success to date.

Either way, we thank Bob Geldof for an excellent playlist and genuinely thoughtful presentation of his curation. Keep up to date with his music at his all-new YouTube channel and make sure you subscribe, if for no other reason than to get an early look at the "Systematic Six Pack" video which -- trust us -- you want to see.

Have fun,

Jamie Dolling, YouTube UK, recently watched "Dr Feelgood -- Milk & Alcohol".