Believe it or not, YouTube UK is one year old today. We know… we know… we don’t look it, but it’s true. The localised homepage launched on June 19, 2007, with the stated aim of increasing the visibility of local talent – of which, happily, there is clearly plenty. One element of which turns out to share our birthday and seems set on celebrating the occasion with cardboard friends taped to lolly sticks:

However, one side-effect of this surfeit of fine film-making has been that finding an appropriate way to reflect a year in the life of the UK site has proved extremely tough. Which – as regular readers of this blog will know – is usually when we turn to you for support. This is no exception.

So, if you are interested in presiding over a UK homepage takeover designed to sum up the past 52 weeks, keep reading. We are looking for a user to generate a full set of 12 video selections to reflect UK user activity over the 2007/2008 season. Pick a theme, select videos month-by-month, make your decisions based on horoscopes – the choice is yours. All we ask is that you mail your selections (together with a short explanation) to by July 5, with a view to sharing the results on July 19. Remember: reading, understanding and adhering to YouTube’s Community Guidelines will greatly enhance your chances of success.

Have fun – we look forward to seeing what you come up with,

The YouTube Team