Has The Hangover inspired you to go wild in Las Vegas? Or maybe “I Am… Sasha Fierce” has made you yearn to meet the woman behind the Beyonce brand? If so, YouTube UK may be able to help.
Has The Hangover inspired you to go wild in Las Vegas? Or maybe “I Am… Sasha Fierce” has made you yearn to meet the woman behind the Beyonce brand? If so, YouTube UK may be able to help.

If it’s Vegas that’s on your mind, then you should head over to the Hangover channel, where walking through the sordid detail of your finest nights out or sharing your remedies for the morning after could win you and a friend four nights in Caesar’s Palace complete with a trip in a LVPD Police cruiser, the chance to witness a live Taser demonstration (!) and – provided you are of age – a private poker lesson.

Next up: Beyonce. In short, if you want to meet the diva who launched a thousand derrieres, you’ll need to prove to the good people at Trident Unwrapped why you should be considered worthy. But bear in mind that you’ll have to get past robsonfersantos first…

Good luck to everyone who enters. Just imagine: if you won both competitions, you could even end up escorting Sasha Fierce to Vegas. That’s the stuff dreams are made of, people.

Have fun,

The YouTube Team

Lately, the team has been pushing out features and fixes as they're ready in "mini-pushes" rather than waiting for the big, numbered releases that occur once a month. Here's what has gone out in the last few weeks ...
Lately, the team has been pushing out features and fixes as they're ready in "mini-pushes" rather than waiting for the big, numbered releases that occur once a month. Here's what has gone out in the last few weeks:

* The Wonder of "Wonder Wheel": Next time you search for a video on YouTube you may notice a link on the right-hand side of the page labelled "Wonder Wheel." This is a new beta search option from Google.com, which we think has great potential as a way to navigate the vast range of videos on YouTube. You may have seen "also try" suggestions at the top of search results. Now we are enabling you to navigate across those suggestions graphically. Wonder Wheel displays searches related to the one you are searching like spokes on a wheel, allowing you to explore different search suggestions quickly. You can click on any of the wheel's spokes to see a new wheel with more related topics and browse new relevant video results to the right. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

* Improved Advanced Search: Let's say you want to narrow down your search for a video and be more precise about what you're looking for. Advanced Search allows you to specify many more details than our normal search, including when a video was uploaded, the location it came from, and its length. We've reworked Advanced Search to be easier to use and to better reflect the range of content on YouTube (lots of new stuff!).

* Remaining Time Display on Upload Progress Bar: In April, we launched the new progress bar with our Flash uploader. We added a small enhancement to the UI to show the estimated remaining time based on your file size and internet bandwidth. We hope this will give you a bit more info about the status of your upload.

* Download MP4 Files of Your Own Videos: Oh no! Your computer just crashed and you lost the original files of videos uploaded to YouTube. Don't panic. Find the video you want in "My Videos" and hit the "Download MP4" button to save the MP4 file of the video to your computer. You can download videos recorded with your webcam, too.

* A More TV-Like Experience: We recently launched a feature that hides the player control bar when you are in full screen for a more immersive, TV-like experience. (Speaking of which, read our blog post about YouTube XL for more about optimising YouTube on large screens.) You can also "pop out" any video by clicking on the button in the top right corner, right above the video. The video will open in a new window, without any of the surrounding features or videos, for the simplest possible experience. (Please note: this feature won't work when embedding has been disabled by the uploader.)

* Mobile App in Six New Languages: A few months ago, we launched an all-new YouTube Mobile Application for fast, high-quality video streaming on Windows Mobile and Symbian Series 60 phones. Just two days ago, we released the App in French, UK English, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch. To install it in your language, please visit m.youtube.com/app.

To comment on any of these features, leave a note below or head over to the Help Forum feedback and suggestions page.

Until next time,

The YouTube Team

A few months ago, we launched an all-new YouTube Mobile Application for fast, high-quality video streaming on Windows Mobile and Symbian Series 60 phones. Today, we're excited to release the application in French, UK English, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch.
A few months ago, we launched an all-new YouTube Mobile Application for fast, high-quality video streaming on Windows Mobile and Symbian Series 60 phones. Today, we're excited to release the application in French, UK English, Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch.

To install the YouTube Mobile Application in your language please visit m.youtube.com/app and enjoy YouTube in your own language (as well as on the move).

Have fun,

The YouTube Team

Today, we're proud to celebrate the 37th annual World Environment Day with the world premiere of "Home," a documentary about the survival of our planet, from award-winning filmmaker Luc Besson and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
Today, we're proud to celebrate the 37th annual World Environment Day with the world premiere of "Home," a documentary about the survival of our planet, from award-winning filmmaker Luc Besson and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

Not only does this film give us a glimpse of our planet from never-before-seen perspectives that demonstrate the urgency for more sustainable living, but it also marks the first time a global audience can watch a movie online, in movie theatres, on TV stations, and on outdoor screens around the world at the exact same time - a fitting debut for a film that asks us all to work together for the benefit of our planet.

"Home" will be available on YouTube in French, English, Spanish, German, Russian and Portuguese through June 14, which means you have 10 days to watch, discuss and share on YouTube. We hope the experience inspires you to action.

Sustainably yours,

The YouTube Team